Omega Recruitment Group
Omega Recruitment is a long-established specialist supplier of temporary, contract, interim and permanent personnel to the public and private sectors. We specialise in finding roles for qualified social workers on a temporary, permanent and interim basis across child and adult social care.
With our local knowledge, expertise and passion for getting people into a social work career, we specialise in recruiting high-calibre, trained social workers like you. And, by choosing to work with us, you will have access to a range of social worker jobs, with flexible working options that suit your lifestyle.
From temporary assignments to permanent full-time contracts, or ad hoc and specialist assessment work, our dedicated teamwork with you to find the social worker job that offers you the perfect balance.
Adults Social Services
We are uniquely positioned to assist you in identifying the most suitable adult social care positions across a range of specialised fields, including, but not limited to:
We have the expertise to locate the right job for you, whether you are looking for a temporary, permanent, or project-based role in social work focused on adult safeguarding. Our services also extend to identifying hospital discharge social worker jobs, community social worker positions, mental health social worker positions, and roles of people with disabilities in social work. Let us help you find the ideal job that aligns with your skills and experience.
Our knowledgeable adult social work specialists are situated across the nation and work closely with you to identify the next steps in your career. Whether you are seeking a temporary, permanent, or interim role, either locally or farther away, for a social worker or senior manager position, we collaborate with you to determine the ideal fit.
Safeguarding Team
Reviews Team
Referral and Assessment
Hospital Discharge Team
First Response Team
Drug & Alcohol and Substance misuse Team
Older People's Team
No recourse to public funds (Asylum)
Transitions Team
Community Mental Health Team
Learning Disability Team
Complex Care Team
Localities Team
Reablement Team
Children's Social Services
If you are seeking a position in social work, particularly as a social worker or social work manager, we can assist you in finding the right job regardless of your specialisation:
Children with disabilities: We offer a variety of temporary, permanent, and project-based opportunities in children's social work, including working with those with sensory, learning, or autism-related disabilities.
Family support: Our job opportunities in this field encompass all aspects of a child in need.
Fostering and adoption: Our specialists have expertise and experience in fostering adoption, local authorities, independent fostering agencies (IFAs), and regional adoption agencies (RAAs).
Looked after children (LAC): We specialise in recruiting LAC social worker job opportunities, whether you want to work with children in care or those leaving care.
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) social worker jobs: We specialise in MASH jobs across the UK; therefore, if you are looking for a job in this field, our social work recruiters can help.
Our children's services experts can also assist in finding a role in audits, quality assurance, or as an independent reviewing officer.
Child Protection
Adoption, Fostering, Looked After Children
Children with Disability
Children in Need
Preparing for Adulthood Team
Youth Service
Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO)
Child Protection Conference Chairs
Qualified Social Worker &
Social Work vacancies
Interim & Senior Management
Omega Recruitment Group specialises in the recruitment of interim and permanent senior management social work positions for local authorities, the NHS, and the third sector.
Our extensive network of top social work service providers enables us to assist you in advancing your career within an organisation that meets your specific requirements. Whether you are seeking a role as head of service or assistant director, our qualified social worker executive search specialists will collaborate with you to align your skills, expertise, and values with the appropriate organisation and executive social worker position.
Additionally, if you are an independent reviewer, we can connect you with several organisations in need of social care service evaluation. No matter what position you are seeking, our local specialists will collaborate with you to ensure that your next career move is optimal.
Our ads are much more detailed than those you might see elsewhere. It doesn’t help you or us if you are applying for jobs you’re not suitable for. We give you all the information we ourselves have been supplied, to give you the best chance of finding the right role.
Our ads are laid out in a standard format, for ease of finding the relevant information. For you, the most important section is going to be “essential requirements“ as it is against those points that we’ll be reading your application. It is essential therefore, that your CV addresses each of those requirements.
Please bear in mind the sobering statistic that your CV will have only between 10 and 30 seconds of a client’s reading time, during which it must have engaged the client’s attention. Information that is relevant to your application for the job in hand must, therefore, be immediately and very obviously apparent.
As stated in each ad, if you apply for a role, we will make the assumption that you are happy for your CV to go forward to the client unless you specifically ask us not to.
Your personal contact details will, however, be stripped out of your CV as a matter of course before we submit it. If you wish our consultants to put you forward for similar roles without your case by case application you will first have to engage with an individual recruiter and then made this request in writing.
We are committed and enthusiastic members of the Safer Jobs programme (learn more) which is an industry initiative supported by the government and by the police and which has been designed to drive out the fraudulent, bogus and misleading advertising of roles online and elsewhere in the media.
We have no interest in your data and even less interest in selling lists. We promise to never profit from the personal information we hold and to never hand over your CV to any third parties without your express permission. In fact, we will delete your data after 6 months, unless you elect to remain on the database for longer than this.
If you wish to be added to our database it will only ever mean that we will mail you details of jobs that we think you might be interested in. Even then we will require your written permission before your CV is put forward. At all times, you will remain in full control of what happens to your CV.